Elika & nikan

It’s kind of funny to be writing a story about two people who have dated for almost 5 years yet aren’t even friends on Facebook. It’s now a running joke we’ve kept up on purpose. “Wouldn’t it be funny if we didn’t change our relationship status until we got married?”

Conversations like these started happening years ago, but to get a good look at how far where we’ve come, you’ll need to start at the end of March 2018. Elika had been on the job hunt looking for a marketing role at a digital marketing agency. She was ready to ace the final interview stage, which happened to be a team interview. If you know her, you know she needed to dress to impress, so she made her grand entrance in an all white power suit. Something Nikan remembers clearly to this day.

Nikan had recently moved to San Diego and just started working at the very same agency about a month prior. If you ask him how he thought he’d meet his next girlfriend, he’d tell you at a coffee shop like those rom com movies. Fortunately, he didn’t have to explore every trendy cafe in the city or our story would have started much, much later.

To keep it short, Elika left the interview feeling confident. Interestingly, her first impression of Nikan was that he seemed unbothered, unfazed if you will. What she would find out months later is the moment she left, Nikan texted his mom that he’d met his future wife. To which a coworker announced, “this isn’t gonna be an HR issue will it?”.

Within the same week Nikan was already cracking jokes about getting married. Fast forward, friendly “good mornings” turned into get togethers, which turned into borrowed jackets on cold nights, and dates over dinner. On September 21st, in the middle of a music festival, they made it “official” and Elika would begin to keep track of all the milestones they’d reach together.

10/14/18 - meeting the family
2/7/19 - traveling together
4/7/19 - introducing our families
9/3/20 - unofficially moving in (thank you Covid)
9/21/22 - getting engaged

It’s been a wild ride, but it’s been worth it to get to experience a life together. From a white suit to a white dress, there’s only one big milestone date left this year. We’re excited and thrilled to have you with us to celebrate it.

Elika & Nikan